1 Key Reason Makes Young Sheldon Season 7’s New Villain Even Worse Than Pastor Jeff

1 Key Reason Makes Young Sheldon Season 7’s New Villain Even Worse Than Pastor Jeff

The Young Sheldon season 7 premiere unexpectedly introduces a brand new villain — one who is worse than The Big Bang Theory’s original bad guy.
The Young Sheldon season 7 premiere introduces a new villain who is worse than Pastor Jeff — the show’s original bad guy. In its final season, The Big Bang Theory prequel’s focus should be on setting up a satisfying culmination of the series. However, Young Sheldon season 7 has more to do than just wrapping up the Coopers’ Texas story and transitioning Sheldon to his eventual life in Pasadena. It also has to lay the groundwork for Georgie and Mandy’s spinoff. To make things more complicated, Young Sheldon also debuted a new antagonist.

Coming into its final season, The Big Bang Theory prequel already has its work cut out for it, especially since Young Sheldon season 7 is ending with a shortened year. It only has half as many episodes as it usually gets to properly end. Couple that with the several lingering plotlines, both brought by its storytelling and The Big Bang Theory canon, and the writers have to discern which storylines need to be prioritized. So when the Young Sheldon season 7 premiere, “A Weiner Schnitzel and Underwear in a Tree” introduces a new villain with a potential future, is shocking.
Pastor Jeff’s Wife Is A Worse Young Sheldon Villain Than Him

Aside from Mary’s ties to the church, Pastor Jeff has been a regular presence in the Coopers’ lives because he lives nearby. While he is depicted mostly as a comedic character, he has given Sheldon and his family so much grief over the years. Most recently, he fired Mary from her job at the church and sat idly while the congregation shunned the family because of Mandy’s unexpected pregnancy. However, at least his actions, as atrocious and hypocritical as they might be, are rooted in his religion. Meanwhile, his wife, Robin, uses the bible to justify being greedy and sleazy.
In the Young Sheldon season 7 premiere, Robin finds $1200 swept in their backyard from Meemaw’s house. Despite knowing this and Pastor Jeff’s insists that they need to return the money, she refuses, using religion to defend her behavior by pointing out that Connie deserves what happened to her house because she’s running an illegal gambling den. It’s spiteful of her to not just feel no sympathy towards Meemaw, but also take advantage of her situation, thinking that it’s okay for her to do that because she supposedly has the moral high ground against Mary’s mother.

How Robin Can Make Meemaw’s Life Worse In Young Sheldon Season 7
This kind of mentality makes Robin scarier than Pastor Jeff because she can convince herself and everyone around her that her offenses are okay, as long as she is doing it to someone who also has religious sins. So while Pastor Jeff promised Meemaw that he would let her continue running the gambling den after discovering her destroyed house in the Young Sheldon season 6 finale, his wife could jeopardize that by being cruel. If Robin tattles about the operations, Connie’s predicament can get worse, since she won’t have any income for her daily needs, let alone rebuild her house.

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