Jo Martin reveals how her new Death in Paradise-style show echoes the BBC series

The Marlow Murder Club episode 1 spoilers follow.

Former Death in Paradise guest star Jo Martin has gone from criminal Rakesha Lorde to an amateur detective for her latest role in The Marlow Murder Club.

The murder-mystery show sees Jo’s Suzie get roped into a case that twists and turns from episode to episode.

Yet, despite the similar tone The Marlow Murder Club leads with a feminine perspective that gives the show its unique flavour.

In an exclusive interview with Digital Spy, Jo opens up about a sisterhood formed both on and off screen that helped give this “classic murder-mystery” its “sprinkling of sass.”

samantha bond, jo martin, cara horgan, the marlow murder club

There [are] a lot of women my age going through that. I don’t think it gets addressed much, and I thought that was really interesting.

The fact that she plays this upbeat character, but there’s a kind of sadness about: “What do I do next?” Because she’s dedicated her life to having her daughter, and being a single mum.

That she’s got a business is really attractive, and it’s doing really well.

I suppose the other thing that was really interesting was that I loved her nosiness. The fact that she’s so inquisitive. That’s a piece of me as well. I am that person by the curtain. I’m that person online going, “I haven’t seen a picture of them two together for a while. Are they still together?” I’m that person tracing it all, going, “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.”

The fact that she’s so fearless, and throwing herself into the unknown.

How does Suzie’s relationship with her ex-husband inform the character?

Well, the dad, he’s in Jamaica so when we meet Suzie, her daughter’s on vacation spending time with him.

She’s feeling a little hard-done-by because she says in one of the scenes:

“I was there, cleaning the bums, and doing all the hard stuff and now he’s getting all the glory days.”

Now she’s about to go to university or whatever she chooses to do – she’s fully grown, and needs less support – and he’s suddenly the hero of the piece. [Suzie] kind of resents that.

I see that a lot in quite a few of my friends but I think it’s really important not to let your children see that or know that, which some people struggle with.

If they were to go again one of these fine days, it’d be really interesting to meet the dad and I think they should cast Denzel Washington.


No, I’m joking [laughs].

That would be great.

Test him out. See if he makes the grade.

I would quite like to meet the dad. But he sounds like a bit of a scoundrel.

jo martin, the marlow murder club
It would be nice to see how their dynamic informs how you play a side of Suzie that we haven’t seen.

Exactly. It might be a bit of love/hate. Do you know what I mean? Because you might still want a bit. I don’t know what Suzie’s getting, but it doesn’t look like she’s getting that much [laughs]. I think they need to sort that out.

She could have a little side piece somewhere.

Well, listen, you’ve got to have a little side something in this day and age.



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