The Best Character From Each Season of ‘Game of Thrones’

For the better part of the 2010s, Game of Thrones was television’s best and most famous show. Dominating Sunday nights and cementing HBO as the ultimate destination for premiere television, Thrones revolutionized the landscape of the small screen. And while its infamous ending left a considerable stain on its once pristine reputation, Thrones remains an acclaimed show, the likes of which viewers will probably never see again.

A huge reason behind Thrones’ success was its incredible collection of complex, nuanced, and unforgettable characters. Heroes, villains, and everything in between, these figures kept audiences invested in the dealings of the continents of Westeros and Essos; many are even among the all-time best characters in HBO’s history. Amidst this embarrassment of riches, some players stand out. Each season of Game of Thrones has an undeniable MVP, a character who made a strong impression and left an indelible mark on the show’s narrative.

1.Season 1- Eddard “Ned” Stark

Unsurprisingly, Lord Eddard “Ned” Stark is the best character in season 1 of Game of Thrones. The de-facto protagonist of the show’s junior season, Ned is Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, played by the ever-reliable Sean Bean. He leaves his house’s ancestral seat to serve as Hand of the King for his old friend, Robert Baratheon, entering a world of deceit and power lust like he never imagined.
Because Sean Bean’s characters always die, and despite being at the center of the story, firmly guiding it ahead, Ned doesn’t make it past episode 9. Ned’s death came as a shock for non-book readers who thought they would follow the honorable Lord to hell and back. Ned is Thrones’ prototypical hero, and his death kickstarts the entire conflict. Bean does an impressive job playing Ned, capturing his honorable nature without making him uninteresting or stunted. It’s not an easy task portraying such purity, yet Bean wisely chooses to embody Ned’s decency without turning it into self-righteousness.

2. Season 2- Tyrion Lannister

It’s not an overstatement to say Tyrion Lannister is Game of Thrones’ breakout character. Played by the mighty Peter Dinklage, Tyrion is the resourceful, clever, and witty youngest sibling of House Lannister. Season 2 sees him become Hand of the King to Joffrey, doing his best to guide the despotic child while preparing for Stannis’ upcoming invasion and dealing with the constant threat of his wicked sister.
Although many characters shine in Thrones’ sophomore effort, including Tywin, Arya, Margaery, Cersei, Dany, and Jon, Season 2 belongs to Tyrion. The character has the best moments, from his witty banter with Varys and Bronn to his fascinating conversations with Cersei. It’s great to see him play the game with varying degrees of success, and he even gets a sweet love story with his mistress, Shae. Tyrion’s crowning achievement comes in episode 9, which deals with the iconic Battle of the Blackwater, where he bravely leads the Lannister armies against Stannis. Dinklage dominates the screen, making audiences suffer alongside Tyrion through every tense, anxiety-inducing second.

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