The Rookie Recap 05/07/24: Season 6 Episode 8 “Punch Card”

Tonight on ABC their new series The Rookie airs with an all-new Tuesday, May 7, 2024, season 6 episode 8 called, “Punch Card,” and we have your The Rookie recap below. In tonight’s The Rookie season 6 episode 8 as per the ABC synopsis,“After a mafia-related mass casualty, the team is tasked to keep the peace at the hospital. Lucy and Celina work together to investigate the suspects behind the attack. Meanwhile, Tim and Aaron embark on a metro ops mission..”
Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our The Rookie recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!
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In tonight’s The Rookie episode, someone broke into Monica Stevens’s home. She was on the phone with Wesley. She told him he could call for the cops and she could go for her gun. She did grab that gun. She used it to defend herself. She also got answers before the police showed up.

The cops searched that house. They knew Monica wasn’t telling them everything. They tried to question her when she was taken to the hospital and she demanded that they investigate her attacker.
Not her! Her attacker wasn’t talking. He pretending to be mute. He wouldn’t even say where Monica shot him. She shot him in both feet. The first time to free herself. The second time was to find out if he had been sent to steal from her or kill her. It was kill only that was all he was willing to give up. Both of them were later sent to the same hospital.
It was also where Officer Nolan went with his wife, Bailey. They wanted to see a fertility expert. They were trying for a baby. Bailey has kinda been good at everything she does and so the fact that she wasn’t getting pregnant right away was a concern for her. She wanted to know if there was a problem with her eggs.

They didn’t think it was Nolan because he already has a kid. He’s proven he can have kids. Bailey has never gotten pregnant before. She and Nolan both went to the hospital to see the fertility specialist when they overheard the commotion from the lobby.
Two rival gangs got arrested during a shootout. Both gangs were taken to the same hospital for their injuries. It’s left the hospital with little room for anyone else.
Monica was admitted. She had to wait in the hallway until there was room for her. She was only admitted after she claimed to be dizzy. They didn’t want to send her home with a possible concussion and it turns out she lied about being dizzy. She wanted to stay at the same hospital as her attacker because she wanted to question him. The police came before she learned who wanted to kill her.
The hospital was crowded with criminals. The cops couldn’t pay attention to everyone. Nolan jumped in to help where he could. It was his day off and he still helped. Celina was also there with her training officer for the day, Officer Chen. Chen wasn’t a real training officer. She just got Celina because they were both on patrol. They were at the hospital with the rival gangs. One was the Russian mob. The other was Eastern Front. The leader of Eastern Front got shot. He was rushed into surgery and later died of his wounds.
This led to open warfare in the hospital. Which wasn’t helped when the families started to show up. There was a woman that came in armed and she shot a guy from a rival gang. It happened right in front of Nolan.
He grabbed the gun after the woman shot. She shot again. It happened right next to his ear. He was able to disarm the woman, but he suffered acoustic trauma. His hearing has been impaired. It could be temporary. Or it could be long-lasting. He has to wait and see. He and Bailey also missed their appointment twice.
They missed their first appointment when Nolan heard about the rivals gangs. He missed the second appointment after he injured his ear and Bailey came running out to check on him.
They barely got a third appointment. They were fortunate that the doctor was understanding. The fertility specialist said that there was a problem with Bailey’s fallopian tubes. There was some scarring. They can get around that using IVF. IVF was expensive. It was a long and drawn out process. And Bailey wanted to think about it before she agreed to it.
Only the man that got shot in the lobby was the leader of the Russians mob. He’s the one that shot the leader of Eastern Front. Its why they retaliated by shooting him. He survived the shooti

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