You’ll Laugh (Lots) and Cry Too – Steel Magnolias Opens at the New Theatre

The movie STEEL MAGNOLIAS may well be one of those you revisited during lockdown, we did and loved every minute of it.

It’s a story, and a true one I might add, which is not only funny but filled with incredible heart and passion. To enjoy the story properly however, you need to get yourself along to the New Theatre this week where the play finishes its long UK tour in our capital.

The original book by ROBERT HARLING actually began its life on stage in 1987 and was inspired by the death of his sister due to complications arising from diabetes. OK, that may seem a little tragic for what is essentially a good laugh, but Robert knew how to build a comedy. His telling of the story is majestically funny but about as real-life as you’ll find anywhere.

The six women chat and gossip, laugh, cry and support each other, in fact are a perfect example of the kind of friends we’d all love to have, and hopefully you do.

It seemed a lot of theatre-goers last night were sharing the evening with their special friends and found the production funny and full of emotion. They gave us their take on the show….

If you’ve never seen the movie, and it really doesn’t matter if you have or not, the story is set in a beauty salon where we follow the trials and tribulations of six fierce and sassy women as they set the world to rights in their small-town.

The cast is jam-packed with faces you’ll know from the telly, but within a minute you are so invested in the story and lives of these six women that what they’ve done or been previously in disappears in their on stage roles.

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